

Queen’s Park Community Council (QPCC) is London’s first and only Community Council. A form of local government led by residents. We cover the area from Kilburn Lane in the North and West to Harrow Road in the South and Fernhead Road in the East.

QPCC works with residents, local organisations, and community groups to promote community cohesion and support the needs of people living and working in Queen’s Park Westminster.  


  • We represent the interests of local people and voice local concerns to other statutory bodies. 
  • We help keep our area clean and beautiful through our anti-fouling strategy and community clean-up events. We also work with volunteers to improve and upkeep our local park and green space.
  • Our Volunteers’ programme and local events help promote community spirit, cohesion, and neighbourliness. We run the Summer Festival, Winter Fair, Fireworks Display, and other smaller events each year.
  • QPCC’s Planning Working group has oversight of all planning applications. We also publish planning information to protect our community’s open spaces and ensure the conservation area’s guidelines are adhered to.
  • We support local volunteers and organisations to promote health and well-being, including holiday and after-school activities, Play Streets, social inclusion and family activities. 
  • Our grants programme funds residents and local organisations to run projects that help meet community needs. We also give a special grant to support the Avenues’ Youth Project. 
  • QPCC’s Climate Emergency Working Group runs helps the community decarbonise and educates residents about the climate emergency. Similarly, the Air Quality Working Group reports on the levels of air pollution. It also produces educational messages to combat air pollution.

Queen’s Park Community Council is different from Westminster City Council (WCC).We voice local concerns to WCC about the following issues, but these are not within our remit.

  • Rubbish collection
  • Recycling
  • Benefits
  • Housing
  • Planning applications
  • Council Tax
  • Collections

Find out more about what we do.


There are many ways that residents can get involved with the work of the Community Council. Such as bringing your ideas and concerns to Council meetings, asking questions and helping inform local decision-making. You can find out about upcoming Council meetings on our website, social media and the notice board outside the Beethoven centre at least three working days before the meeting. You can also receive advance notice of Council Meeting by signing up to our e-bulletin.

Helping out with events and projects is also a great way to get involved. You can choose to help out now and again or to help plan and run a range of activities each year. If you would like to know more about helping out with QPCC, please email your Community Development Officer or call 020 8960 5644.

Residents can also apply to our grants programme for funding to run projects or events that will benefit the community. Read more information about grants.

Don’t forget to register to vote in local elections to ensure you have your say on the future of the community.


Anyone who lives or works locally can put themselves forward to become a QPCC Councillor. You will need to have two proposers and submit a nomination form to the Westminster City Council. The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, 5th April 2022. We are organising candidates to deliver their nominations together on Monday 4th April. Please get in touch if you would like to be involved.

If you are considering running to become a Councillor, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or attend one of our information sessions at 5 pm Wednesday 23rd March and 30th March 2022. 

Email: or call 020 8960 5644.


QPCC Councillors genuinely make a difference in our community by helping meet local needs and facilitating projects that make Queen’s Park a better place for all to live and work.

Candidates do not need prior experience, just a passion and enthusiasm to advocate for our community. 

Queen’s Park Community Councillors must attend at least eight Council Meetings each year. At these meetings, Councillors help set priorities, make financial decisions and discuss important issues in the community. 

Councillors can also join working groups with other volunteers to plan and deliver projects and services that help fulfil the Council’s mission.

Find out more about how the Council works.


As a Councillor, you will receive training to build your skills, and officers will support you to plan and realise council-backed ideas. You will also have access to other community councils that can offer support and advice.

If you become a Councillors, you will receive a small annual allowance to cover incidental costs such as childcare, IT, etc. We also have an expenses policy to reimburse Councillors for costs incurred in their duties.

If you have questions about the support available, please email

We encourage all candidates that are not elected to stay involved with the Council. Your experience as a resident is invaluable. You can receive funding from the grants programme and support from staff to take forward ideas that help improve the community. 


NOMINATION PACK – no longer available