The Queen’s Park Neighbourhood Plan Referendum
Queen’s Park Community Council is committed to developing our neighbourhood as one with a strong sense of community, where diversity and difference are valued and celebrated. Our vision is of a community with access to the best possible facilities and services and a natural environment for all to live safely and healthily. Adopting a Neighbourhood Plan can help us achieve this, so we encourage all residents to register to vote and participate in the upcoming Neighbourhood Plan referendum on Thursday, 21st October 2021.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
A Neighbourhood Plan is a planning document outlining policies that will guide decision making around new developments in the area. The policies of the Queen’s Park Neighbourhood plan were developed through consultations with residents and seeks to ensure that new developments meet the needs of the community.
Why does the Neighbourhood Plan need a referendum?
Neighbourhood Plan referendum allows residents to play an active role in setting the direction for the future of their community and ensures every member of the community has the chance to have their say.
You can register to vote in the referendum online and will receive confirmation about your polling station in the post.
The Referendum will ask residents: Do you want Westminster City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Queen’s Park to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
What are the benefits of a “Yes” vote?
Voting “Yes” in the referendum will:
- Increase your Community Council’s income from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) on new developments from 15% to 25%. An increased income allows us to invest more into the events, projects and services we run for the community.
- Enable QPCC can play a more significant role in decision-making about developments in the area and can help ensure developments meet the community’s needs, are sustainable, and mitigate the impact on the climate.
- Help QPCC improve services and infrastructure in the community. Such as pursuing the re-opening of Queen’s Park Hall for the public, improving pedestrian, cycling and public transport infrastructure and protecting green, open and food-growing areas essential for tackling air pollution and promoting a cleaner and healthier neighbourhood.
What are the objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan?
- Continue to improve and increase our existing community facilities, services, and built and natural assets for residents, workers and visitors of all ages.
- Continue to improve the local environment, including Queen’s Park Gardens and other open spaces of local importance.
- Respect and safeguard our neighbourhood’s heritage and character and enhance its design quality whilst seeking appropriate ways to make the area more sustainable.
- Establish a safer and more pleasant street network that prioritises walking and cycling for all groups and ages and seeks to minimise air pollution.
- Work collaboratively towards achieving lively, well used and commercially resilient high streets that attract retailers, residents, workers and visitors from further afield.
- Continue developing a neighbourhood that welcomes a diverse mix of people and is a great place to live, where new homes meet local housing needs and ensure the existing housing stock is protected and enhanced.
You can find more information about the referendum and can download the full Neighbourhood Plan from the Westminster City Council Website.