

Pursuant to section 87 Local Government Act 1972, Rule 5(2) The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006

 Notice is hereby given that there is now a casual vacancy in the office of Community Councillor of the Queen’s Park Community Council.

If a request for an election to fill the said vacancy is signed by ten registered electors of the said Parish and sent to the Proper Officer on or before Wednesday February 14th, a by-election will be held to fill the vacancy.

 Where ten valid signatures requesting an election are not issued to the Proper Officer on or before Wednesday February 14th, the vacancy will be filled by co-option.


Shuwanna Aaron, Proper Officer/Director

Queen’s Park Community Council,

Beethoven Centre, Third Avenue, London W10 4JL

020 8960 5644

25th January 2024



There is no form of words for the request for an election, which might simply be a letter headed with such words as “We the undersigned being electors for Queen’s Park Community Council, call for an election to fill the casual vacancy which has been notified on Thursday 25th January 2024”. It is helpful if the ten signatures are accompanied by printed names and addresses.

In calculating the requisite 14 days’ notice period, day one is the day following the date of this notice (Friday 26th January); a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning shall be disregarded, and the period closes at midnight on the fourteenth day after the date of this notice. Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies.