As we embark upon the vibrant month of April, we find ourselves immersed in a tapestry of diverse religious celebrations that span cultures and continents.
The month unfolds with Easter Monday on the 1st April – honouring Jesus’ time on Earth after his resurrection, which brought the gift of forgiveness. Easter Monday is the last of a series of observances, which begin on 14th February, with Lent – a period of 40 days in which Christians observe acts of penance and fasting. In the Islamic tradition, Eid Al Fitr – celebrated this year on 10th or 11th April – is a joyous occasion marking the end of Ramadan, the Holy month of fasting. Central to both these traditions are the tenets of retrospection, self-improvement and heightened periods of spiritual growth.
In April, we also see the Khalsa Sikh celebration of Baisakhi – recognising the birth of the order by Guru Gobind Singh and the declaration of three new dimensions that guide and promote transformation in the Sikh community. Themes of transformation and shaping values are also present in the Jewish tradition of Passover – celebrated from 22nd April to 30th April this year – reflecting upon the liberation of Hebrews from ancient Egypt and a period that helped shape critical aspects of Jewish life.
These observances underscore the need to carve our spaces for joy and celebration, promote forgiveness, retrospection, and encourage us to continually struggle for self-improvement and liberation. Equally, they urge us to foster shared understandings and cohesion within the community. So, whether religious or non-religious, traditional or non-traditional, this rich tapestry of of observances nurtures values we can all aspire to as individuals and as a community.
This April and beyond, QPCC encourages you to embrace these values, to celebrate each other and strengthen the bonds of solidarity and inclusivity in our beautifully diverse community. If you have an idea for a project to bring the community together, our Pop-up Grant programme is here to help! The programme will offer up to £300 and support to bring the project to life. Just complete the online form or email for more information.
Wishing you all a joyous and meaningful April filled with love, unity, and celebration!