
June 2023: Anti Social Behaviour and Violent Sexual Offences Report

Routinely, local volunteer and former QPCC Councillor Ray Lancashire collates police data on Anti-Social Behaviour and Violent and Sexual Offences. This data gives QPCC a snapshot of key areas of crime affecting residents and helps to inform how we engage with other statutory bodies and authorities to address Anti-Social Behaviours (ASB) and Violent Sexual Offences (VSO)n Queen’s Park.

We know these issues affect a diversity of residents in Queen’s Park, and there is so much more to be done to support affected residents, prevent these harms and address their prevalence in our community.

The Community Council has decided to publish these reports to help better inform the community and help promote open dialogue between the community, QPCC and other statutory bodies and authorities so we can better prevent and deal with the effects of these issues in our community.

We want to encourage residents to get involved by working with us to produce community-led solutions and initiatives. If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions on solutions or initiatives that can help to combat Anti-Social Behaviour and Violent Sexual Offences, please get in touch by emailing

Here are the summaries of Anti-Social Behaviour and Violent Sexual Offences reported in Queen’s Park Ward up to June 2023.


The charts below are organised with the following colour system: the Green Line is the current year 2023, the Red Line are the results for the whole of 2022 and the Bold Grey Line is the three year average.

Anti-Social Behavior

There were 681 crimes (to June 2023) – 6% higher compared to 645 over the same period in 2022.

ASB accounted for 158 incidents this year, a reduction of 34% compared to 240 over the same period last year.

ASB accounted for 23% of all crime categories reported.

Residents reported 27 incidents of ASB between May 2023 and June 2023 – an increase of 17% of the reported incidents between April and May 2023

Reported incidents between May 2023 and June 2023 are 58% lower than the three-year average for the same period (2020 – 2023).


The charts below are organised with the following colour system: the Green Line is the current year 2023, the Red Line are the results for the whole of 2022 and the Bold Grey Line is the three year average.


Violence and Sexual Offences (VSO) Chart

VSO accounted for 202 incidents this year, an increase of 30% compared to 155 over the same period last year.

VSO accounted for 30% of all crimes reported.

Residents reported 35 incidents between May 2023 and June 2023 – a decrease of 8% from the number of reports made between April 2023 and May 2023.

Reports of Violent Sexual Offences were 14% higher between May 2023 and June 2023 than the three-year average for the same period.


Summary of all 14 reported crime categories.

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