People Committee Meetings and Agendas

The People Committee is responsible for projects and policies that help improve the quality of life of those who live, work and visit Queen’s Park. Its primary function is to:

– Promote community cohesion, neighbourliness and community spirit
– Supports projects that promote Health and Well-being
– Work with statutory bodies and community organisations to preserve,
improve, identify and fill gaps in services
– Support initiatives addressing crime and anti-social behaviour issues in
Queen’s Park.

The People Committee meets four times a year, and consists of Councillors nominated to join the Committee. The Committee works alongside Working Groups to monitor and implement relevant objectives, including organising the Council’s annual events: The Queen’s Park Summer Festival, Queen’s Park Fireworks Display and Queen’s Park Winter Festival.

People Committee Working Groups
Queen’s Park Community Council has several Working Groups consisting of Councillors and other residents. These groups have no decision-making powers; their primary role is to raise concerns, strategise and propose actions to address local issues.

The Children and Young People, Health, Well-being and Social Care , Community Engagement and Events Working Groups make reports and recommendations to the People Committee for decision. While the People Committee can decide to fund some projects proposed by the Working Groups, some decisions require authorisation at Council Meetings. The People Committee must also report to Council meetings about all its decisions.

People Committee Meetings
Each year, there are four People Committee Meetings. These meetings are open for the public to observe, raise concerns or petition the Committee (Read the Right to Speak Policy below). However, the Committee members can only make decisions about items set on the meeting’s agenda. Residents can write to the Proper Officer ( to raise a matter for discussion at the next meeting.

Residents can find notices of meetings on the noticeboard outside the Beethoven Centre and on the Council’s website at least three days before the meeting.

Minutes are taken of each meeting and made available to the public after its approval as an accurate account at the following meeting of the Committee.

Upcoming Place Committee Meetings:
10th July 2024
4th September 2024
6th November 2024
12th February 2025

Meetings will take place at 18:00 -20:00 pm, St Luke’s Church, Fernhead Rd, London W9 3EH

PLEASE NOTE: The Wednesday Feb 12th People’s Committee Meeting venue has changed: it will now be taking place in The Beethoven Centre, Third Avenue W10 4JL.