Community Grants Programme (Individuals and Unconstituted Groups) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of individual or unconstituted group *Main point of contact for groups (if applicable)FirstLastContact email *Telephone number *Address *Group website (if applicable) *Groups social media handles (if applicable)Describe your or your groups connection with the Queen’s Park Community, Westminster *30 words maxWhat is the title of project, activity or event? *What grant theme(s) does your project, activity or event meet? *• Benefitting the health and well-being of local residents• Supporting parents, children and young people• Supporting adult learning (for example ESOL costs)• Improving quality of life for older residents• Supporting individuals in becoming self-employed or in getting back into employment• Improving environmental conditions in Queen’s Park• Supporting resident-led campaigns to address priority issues• Promoting community cohesionWhere did the idea for this project come from? Please provide any evidence of need it intends to address.50 words max What are the aims and objectives of your project, and how will residents benefit? *150 words maxWhat are the proposed actions to deliver the aims and objectives? *50 words max What are the specific measurable outcomes and outputs? *100 words maxWho are your target demographic and how many will benefit from your project? *30 words max What proportion of beneficiaries are likely to be residents of Queen's Park, Westminster? *How the project will be managed, by who, and their relevant experience *50 words maxWhere will the project be delivered? *What is the proposed date(s) and time of the project? *How will the project be publicised to your target groups? *30 words maxWhat is the total cost of your project? *How much funding are you requesting from the Community Grants Programme? *If the total cost is more than the grant, please explain how the remainder will be funded. *50 words max Please outline how the requested funds will be spent. Include the name and quantity of each item, an outline of how it will be used for/during the project and the total cost. *200 words max Please tell us how you plan to make your project sustainable in the future (if applicable)30 words max How will you receive funding? *I am an individual or un-constituted organisation and have a nominated constituted body which has agreed to receive and disburse the funds by agreement on my behalfI am an individual or represent and un-constituted organisation and would like to ask QPCC to act as banker. I will then claim back funds from QPCC against production of agreed receipts.If you selected the first option above, please provide the Account details of your nominated constituted body. Including: Name of the bank/ building society, Name on the Account, Account number and Sort code. *Declarations *I confirm that I am authorised to act on behalf of the organisation named in this applicationI confirm I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of funding as outlined in the QPCC's Grant GuidelinesI confirm the above information is accurate and has been completed to the best of my knowledge.My planned event, activity or project will be not-for-profit and is intended primarily to benefit the residents of Queen’s Park, Westminster.I understand that all funds if not spent on the purpose for which they are granted must be returned to the Community Council.I consent for the name of my organisation to be used in QPCC publications that list QPCC grant funding awards.Consent for further communication An important part of the council’s role is to keep people informed about our activities and projects, and how we spend public money. In order to share information with you, we need your consent. *I give consent to be added to the QPCC mailing list to receive e-newsletters and updates to keep informed of news and events from QPCC and other local organisations, as well as what’s going on in Queen’s Park.I would like to receive communications by email.I would like to receive communications by mobile phone including text messages and WhatsApp.You can find out more about how we use your data from our “Privacy Notice” which is available from our website or from the Community Council office. Submit