Community Room

Community Room

Community Room Availability 

  • Mondays  (11am –1pm)
  • Mondays (2pm – 4pm)
  • Wednesdays (12pm – 2pm)
  • Thursdays (6pm – 8pm)
  • Fridays (2pm – 4pm)

Using the booking request forms:

  • You can request multiple dates of the same day (e.g multiple Mondays) in one booking. Please complete a separate form to request different days (e.g. Mondays and Tuesdays)
  • If the dates/time you wish to book is “pending” please email your request for consideration.
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Partially booked

Organiser's Full Name (required):

Organiser's Email (required):

Organiser's Phone (required):

Group/Organisation Name (required) :

Group/Organisation Aims and Objectives (required) :

Group/Organisation Phone (required) :

Group/Organisation Website (required) :

Group/Organisation's Address (required):

What is your Group/Organisation's connection to Queen's Park, Westminster? (required):

Please select all applicable criteria for your event/activity (required):
Benefit the health and well-being of residents 
Provide opportunities for families children and young people 
Improve the quality of life for older and or disabled residents 
Promote community cohesion and neighbourliness 
Facilitate meetings that address local issues priorities or campaigning 
Provide free or highly subsidised activities open to the community 

Number of participants (required):

Please provide a full desrciption of your event/activity including the intended impact (required):

How will you ensure the participation of Queen's Park, Westminster residents (required):

Please provide details of required equipment and/or set-up. Please note we may not be able to accommodate all requests(required):

Notes (required):

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